Last week was a discouraging one. Between the infection, the removal of the catheter, and way too many needle sticks to count, Theo had a rough time. Personally, I was a basket case. The 49ers even joined the party. As of yesterday, though, I think we've turned over a new leaf, and I feel refreshed.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11 am, Theo is scheduled for surgery to replace the dialysis catheter. I met the surgeon and anesthesiologist who will be operating tomorrow, and I am looking forward to having the catheter back in place for dialysis. If the rest of Theo's NICU stay is uneventful, this should be his final surgery before he comes home. (But, I am not getting my hopes up!) We've been fortunate that Theo's renal labs have looked good over the last few days, which has given the nephrologists and surgeons the luxury of waiting so long to replace the catheter while the antibiotics work their magic. If his labs continue to look good, then Theo will not need to start dialysis right after surgery, either, which will give the catheter more time to heal.