Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Better Week

Last week was a discouraging one.  Between the infection, the removal of the catheter, and way too many needle sticks to count, Theo had a rough time.  Personally, I was a basket case.  The 49ers even joined the party.  As of yesterday, though, I think we've turned over a new leaf, and I feel refreshed.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11 am, Theo is scheduled for surgery to replace the dialysis catheter.  I met the surgeon and anesthesiologist who will be operating tomorrow, and I am looking forward to having the catheter back in place for dialysis.  If the rest of Theo's NICU stay is uneventful, this should be his final surgery before he comes home.  (But, I am not getting my hopes up!)  We've been fortunate that Theo's renal labs have looked good over the last few days, which has given the nephrologists and surgeons the luxury of waiting so long to replace the catheter while the antibiotics work their magic.  If his labs continue to look good, then Theo will not need to start dialysis right after surgery, either, which will give the catheter more time to heal.

Theo has been a champ these last two days.  There were times last week when I questioned if we were doing the right thing by subjecting Theo to all of these surgeries and procedures; it is so hard to see him suffer.  Yet, even on the days when he was inconsolable in his pain and discomfort, he would smile in his sleep.  Today and yesterday, he was even more generous with his smiles.  In fact, I was quite jealous of the way Theo was flirting with the physical therapist today.  It was so cute that I almost could not stand it.  I wish he had been flirting with me!  Those smiles comfort me, and remind me that we are doing our best for Theo.  He is a perfectly healthy baby, with the obvious exception of his kidneys.  But, we all have things that make us special.  How lucky Theo is to have a team of people around him to help him overcome his weakness.  And let me tell you, the team of people around Theo (his nurses, neonatologists, and nephrologists) love him!

Several people have asked me how they can pray for Theo.  While I would certainly like for him to have functioning kidneys and to get to come home, my prayer is that God will do what he wants to do in Theo's life.  I trust that God is going to do something big, and it will probably involve using the fact that Theo's kidneys don't work.  In the meantime, I know that God will provide for Theo.  I was blown away by the people who contacted me last week to learn more about becoming a living donor.  We are a long way from transplant, and a long way from even starting the process.  But, if every person who contacted me was a match for Theo, he would have enough kidneys to make some kidney bean soup!

On a lighter note, I'm including a few pictures from Sunday.  Nick presented Theo with his first father-son gift: a 49ers onesie.  We took a few family pictures to commemorate the occasion.  Our own little Frank Gore looked pretty dang cute, if I do say so myself.

We described Frank Gore's toughness to Theo.  Even he was amazed!

Unfortunately, he wasn't too pleased with the outcome of the game.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Praying in agreement with you and LOVE the pics!
    Lauren and John
