Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Going home!

After 86 days in the NICU, Theo is scheduled for discharge tomorrow.  We can hardly believe it.  It has been an emotional evening already for the Foy family, as we recount our innumerable blessings over the last 3 months.  We are so thankful that we have such a happy, healthy (relatively speaking) boy who we get to bring home TOMORROW.  Wow.  God is good.

Our team of doctors, nurses, and numerous other support members (from the dietician, to the physical therapist, and our occupational therapist, to name a few) have been amazing.  We have been so impressed by their willingness to help us get home as quickly and uneventfully as possible.  Believe me when I say that this is no small feat for Theo.  We are basically bringing a NICU back to our house, minus the full-time doctors and nurses.

Nick and I know that we are at the beginning of a long road, but we are so happy that the first part of the trip is coming to an end and we are going to soon be a family under one roof.  We have made several relationships, though, that have made the trip sweet for us.  Theo has been in such great hands, and he has not suffered for lack of attention or love.  Neither have we, when we needed it!

Thanks for all the prayers that have helped us get to this point.  Despite setbacks along the way, this has been an amazingly joyful three months for us.  I'll say it again: God is good.

We took a couple of pictures to commemorate what we hope is our last night in the hospital for a very long time.  We could not love our precious, happy, 12 pound baby Theo an ounce more than we do now. It would be impossible.

I hope you all have blessings to celebrate today!


  1. I am so thrilled for you guys! I can't imagine the excitement you are feeling! I look forward to reading about Theo's adventures outside the NICU and will pray that all goes well as you all adjust to the next phase of this road!

  2. Praising the Lord with y'all today! We can't tell you how excited we are for you. I'll never forget the day our boys came home & I'm sure you won't either - praying for y'all today as you start a new chapter at HOME!!! Yay! Welcome home sweet Theo!!!

  3. Sooooo exciting!!!!!! I am SO happy for you three, and having your beautiful family at HOME! It is thrilling to hear how wonderful everyone has been at the hospital, but I can't wait to hear stories from home soon :) xoxooxo

  4. So excited for you all! Great news! We will continue to pray for you as you enter the next phase of your journey. :)

  5. Wonderful News! An answer to prayer! Continuing to pray for all of you.
